
yeonjunie, i don't know where to begin with this. i'm so proud of you. you have accomplished so much in this last year, and have so much to be proud of, and looking forward to this next chapter of your life. this is such an exciting time, and i am so lucky to get to share it with you. you are such a good hyung, and your dedication to everything you want to do and the passion you have for everything is so inspiring. you've taught me to be mindful and precise, and to strive to be better but to also speak my mind about things, too. i know we all joke about your legendary trainee title, but you are so much more than that. you're an artist, through and through, and it's obvious. but you're also patient. you're thoughtful and shy. you're sensitive and appreciative and you care deeply for your friends and loved ones. i'm lucky to be considered part of that group, even if i personally could send you to the brink of insanity some days. thank you for being an anchor for me and for helping me grow into the man i am today. for being an older brother and a role model even when you didn't know that would be part of the deal. for being a true friend, through and through. i promise this year will be full of love and light and i want you to enjoy all of it, and know that i'll be by your side through it. happy birthday, yeonjun!
- beomgyu

hi oldie :) i just wanted to say i'm very lucky to have a friend like you!! thank you for always listening to me go on and on about Someone and never judging me. thanks for existing!! you're so talented and funny and sweet and the world is lucky to have you in it and i guess i am too i hope your day is AMAZING and exciting and it doesn't make you yawnzzn (see what i did there? i'm so funny). OKAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEOFFJUN BYE!!!
- felix

i'm a star, star, star 퀸카, i'm the top i'm twerkin' on the runway i am a 퀸카 you wanna be the 퀸카
can hold alcohol20%
ramyeon making100%
good fashion sense100%
keeping 1 hair color12%
loving moa100%
movie picking skill25%